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  • 04/05/2021
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Items You Should Never Put In Storage

Self-storage units are a great place to keep items you want to hang onto but might not use every day. At Clifton Rt. 46 Self Storage, our units also help keep documents, photos, and other temperature- and humidity-sensitive items safe. However, there are some items you should never keep in a self-storage unit. Here, we take a closer look at items not to put in storage and why.

Firearms and Ammunition

You know how important safe storage is for your hunting rifle or handgun – is a locked storage unit the right place? In a word, no. It is illegal to store firearms in storage units, even when guns have been legally purchased and properly licensed. Instead, we recommend customers purchase a gun safe with an electronic or biometric lock for storing firearms securely at home.

Ammunition should also never be stored in your unit. Bullets of all kinds may potentially explode when left unattended for long periods, which could be dangerous for you, other site visitors, and our team. Like your firearms, ammunition should be stored safely at home.

Illegal Items

It likely goes without saying, but illegal items should never be kept in your storage unit. These items include:

  • Drugs
  • Drug paraphernalia
  • Stolen property
  • Fireworks
  • Gun silencers
  • Certain knives
  • Evidence subject to ongoing criminal investigations
  • Stolen goods

If you’re not sure about an item, check our policies and applicable state and local regulations. Rental agreements will be terminated and you may face legal action if you bring illegal items to our units.

Living Things (and Things That Were Once Alive)

Whether you’re looking for a temporary home for your backyard chicken flock or seeking a place to raise seedlings, living things should never be kept inside your storage unit. While we offer climate-controlled units, temperature, ventilation, and other conditions are not suitable for plants and animals. Keeping an animal in an enclosed unit is also cruel, and could expose you to animal cruelty charges. Rotting plants, urine, fecal matter, and other mess created by living things can also spread disease and create unsanitary conditions for your stored items and other clients. Similarly, taxidermy, dried plants, and other items that were once alive cannot be stored inside your unit.

It’s not just animals and plants that shouldn’t live inside your storage unit, however – human beings should never make a home in one either. If you’re thinking of using a self-storage unit as a low-cost alternative to an apartment, be aware that you will be evicted and find yourself in need of a new place to live and store your items.

Hazardous, Radioactive or Toxic Materials

Any toxic or hazardous material that is flammable or dangerous to people is not allowed inside your storage unit. This includes:

  • Gasoline
  • Kerosene
  • Diesel
  • Compressed gasses
  • Propane tanks
  • Motor oil
  • Grease
  • Garden, lawn, and farm chemicals and fertilizer
  • Tires
  • Paints
  • Aerosol products, such as spray paint or insecticide
  • Cleaning products
  • And more

Any of these items could cause a fire or explosion if not properly stored, resulting in damage to the storage unit, stored property, and nearby people. Check manufacturer labels for advice on storing these substances and be sure to dispose of them properly after use.

Learn More about Safely Using Self-Storage

It may seem like there are many items not to put in storage, but in most cases we’ll be happy to accept your personal property and keep it safe until you need it again. Are you ready to rent a storage unit in Clifton, New Jersey? If so, contact Clifton Rt. 46 Self Storage today.

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