Self-storage room with boxes and home contents
Is Your Storage Unit Actually Secure?
  • January 05, 2023
  • By cliftonrt46selfstorage

Packing away your items in a separate storage unit can be a great way to de-clutter your home without having to get rid of important personal belonging...

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Why Not to Keep Food in a Storage Unit
  • January 05, 2023
  • By cliftonrt46selfstorage

Can you store food in your storage unit? Your Clifton Rt. 46 Self Storage unit is meant to make your life easier.  You can use it to safely keep or reserve items to use during emergencies, or fulfill a current or...

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Unknown man walking in a corridor full of storage units
Worst Case Scenario: If Your Unit Is Missing Items
  • December 05, 2022
  • By cliftonrt46selfstorage

A self-storage unit should provide you with a secure storage solution that minimizes the risk of break-ins and theft, but they're not impervious to these risks. If burglars want to get into a facility badly enough, th...

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